Your representatives...
Branch Chair: Brian Irvine - 01912289288
Branch Secretary: Mark Hugall - 07720467408
Branch Treasurer: Paul Leckey - 01912353568
Political Officer: Paul Blackburn 07488339356
Equality Officer: Simon Byerley 07533984758
Women's Officer: Denise Knox- 07983204597
Women's Officer: Suzanne Dorritt - 01912353568
Women's Officer: Catherine Wilson - 0191 2353568
Branch Organiser: Chris Nicholas - 01912289288
Area Delivery Rep (North) : Julian Goulden- 07801634667
Area Delivery Rep (South): Sean Thompson -07711984841
Area Distribution Rep: Paul Leckey - 01912353568: Email:
Area Processing Rep: Lenny May - 07454437030: Email:
Area Safety Rep: Ian Robson - 07711250157
Parcelforce: Chris Nicolas - 07533034037
Retired Members: Terry Lee - 01912289288
Customer Experience: Sara Wright - 01915123049
Customer Experience: Steve Keeley - 01915123049
Any of our reps can be contacted using the branch secretary email address below.